Genre: Musical/Comedy
Description: The Texas Chainsaw Musical! is the coming of age story about a handsome serial killer, his overly affectionate Momma, the woman he loves, and the pantywaist runt that ruins everything. It is an original comedy/horror rock musical loosely based on the true story of Ed Gein, the inspiration behind Psycho, and is not directly based on the 1974 film.
Acts: 2
Characters: 10-12
Females: 6
Males: 4
Adult Language/Situations: Yes
Nudity: Yes (Optional)
Set Requirements: 1 full set
First Performed: 2009 (workshop)
Productions: San Francisco Fringe Festival, September 2009; Willows Theatre, Martinez, CA, October 2009; Blank Canvas Theatre, Cleveland, OH, January 2012; Bootless Stageworks, Philadelphia, PA, June 2013; Blank Canvas Theatre, Cleveland, OH, October 2013; Arts After Hours Theater, Salem, MA, October 2015; Barnstormers Theatre, Ridley, PA, October 2018
Playwright’s Bios: Christopher Minori is the author of several published short stories, two novels, and has directed and starred in several musical productions. Cory Bytof is a musician and songwriter. Their musical has received positive reviews and sold out shows around the country, and was named “one of the top 10 shows of 2012” by the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Comments: Free perusal script and downloadable music available on request.