Composer Cory Bytof

Despite deep feelings of inadequacy and a discomforting drip, Mr. Bytof has risen to great prominence in the eyes of his dog. Nevertheless, he has been able to complete the music and lyrics to The Texas Chainsaw Musical! in just under 1 year. Cory, on the other hand, took another 9 years so-called ‘improving’ on BoBo’s work and now claims it as his own, thanks to his stealth submission for copyright.  Born a pauper in Appleton, Wisconsin, to an upper middle-class family, he moved to Florida and embarked on a long, painful journey of beatings and humiliation at the hands of his schoolmates, as well as the little girl down the block.  Amidst the backdrop of 70’s TV sitcoms, Robert Bloch stories, heavy metal music and Iron Man comics, he dreamed of being a rock star.  He’s performed on stage in musicals and plays, and has been writing songs for 20 years. Married with one child in Northern California, he is currently sucking on the teat of Big Government.  And praying someone will produce his music.

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